Voucher gratuito Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer (BCVRE) 170-010 Exam

Como Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer deve ser capaz de demonstrar conhecimento em ser capaz de implementar, instalar, configurar e solucionar problemas de soluções Brocade Vyatta.

Este exame é baseado em Vyatta vRouter, a Brocade disponibiliza para download um trial de 60 dias do Vyatta vRouter 5400.

Algumas das funcionalidades do vRouter 5400:

  • Advanced IPv4 and IPv6 Unicast and Multicast
  • Stateful firewall, IPsec, SSL-Based OpenVPN and DMVPN
  • Linux-based extensible network OS
  • Hypervisors Supported: VMware ESX, Citrix XEN/XENserver, Microsoft Hyper-V, and RedHat KVM
  • RESTful API, CLI, Web GUI

Quem quiser fazer este exame a custo zero deverá usar o Voucher Code  BrocadeNFVPromo e registar-se no site http://www.pearsonvue.com/brocade/. Este exame tem duração 75 minutos e 51 questões no total, sendo necessário no mínimo 62% para passar.

Boa sorte :)

Tópicos para o exame:

Brocade Vyatta vRouter System Operations

  • Describe show command usage and output
  • Identify key CLI operations
  • Describe the commit and save processes

Ethernet Concepts

  • Identify Ethernet operations
  • Identify VLAN operations and settings
  • Identify bonded interface operations
  • Demonstrate knowledge of configuration and operation using show commands


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between Layer 2, IP and TCP/IP
  • Identify TCP and UDP differences
  • Identify IP address subnets

DHCP and DNS Troubleshooting

  • Describe troubleshooting of DHCP operations
  • Describe troubleshooting of DNS forwarding


  • Identify uses for routing
  • Identify show commands for use with routing
  • Identify configuration of different types of static routes


  • Describe firewall operations and troubleshooting using show commands
  • Describe firewall rulebase operations


  • Describe NAT concepts


  • Describe the Brocade Vyatta upgrade process

Logging and Packet Captures

  • Identify logging options for firewall and NAT operations
  • Identify methods to verify operations and troubleshooting

OSPF Single-Area

  • Describe OSPF show command output
  • Describe how to configure OSPF


Materiais de Estudo:

ETH 101 Internetworking Fundamentals for Brocade Training

Brocade IP Primer



Não existem mas são sugeridos os seguintes cursos Free (Web-Based Training):

SDN 111-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Software Installation

SDN 121-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Command Line Interface

SDN 132-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Dynamic Addressing and DNS

SDN 133-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

SDN 211-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Ethernet and VLAN Configuration

SDN 321-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Static Routes

SDN 341-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter OSPF Basics

SDN 411-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Network Address Translation

SDN 421-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Firewall Basics

SDN 511-WBT – Brocade Vyatta vRouter Management and Logging
BCVRE_logo Referências:

Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer 2013 (BCVRE) Exam

Network Functions Virtualization

Certification Brocade Community

Certification Exam Information

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