Google BBR Algorithm

Google’s BBR algorithm for handling TCP traffic congestion could announce a new Era on the trasnport Control Protocol (TCP). Google announced integration with Google Cloud, a cloud hosting platform offered by Google to thousands of companies and which serves millions of websites on a daily basis. BBR stands for “Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (Round-Trip Time),” … Read more

TAP vs TUN Interfaces

What is the TUN ? The TUN is Virtual Point-to-Point network device. TUN driver was designed as low level kernel support for IP tunneling. What is the TAP ? The TAP is a Virtual Ethernet network device. TAP driver was designed as low level kernel support for Ethernet tunneling. What is the difference between TUN … Read more

Upgrade Cisco Blade Switch

Applying a major upgrade between 12.x and 15.x code, backup your config first before go ahead! Checking the actual version   SW01#sh ver | i IOS Cisco IOS Software, CBS30X0 Software (CBS30X0-LANBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(35)SE, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)SW01#show boot BOOT path-list      : flash:cbs30x0-lanbase-mz.122-35.SE/cbs30x0-lanbase-mz.122-35.SE.bin Config file         : flash:/config.text Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text Enable Break        : no … Read more

How to extend SLR in PAN for more than 7 days

By default the report is only generated for the last 7 days, using the GUI. I will show you next how to extend the time for the report. You have to identify the start and end date and the export method, TFTP in this case. admin@PA-3020> tftp export stats-dump start-time equal 2016/10/01@10:00:00 end-time equal 2016/10/31@10:00:00 … Read more

Export/Import Putty settings

This method is using registry, so before proceed do a backup of it. Open command line and type the following command: regedit /e “%userprofile%\desktop\putty-registry.reg” HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Simontatham Copy the file generated to the new Windows installation and run it, a prompt window will pop up and click “Yes”. This will merge with config you have for Putty. … Read more

Cisco nV Technology

Cisco nV allows you to simplify operations and deployment of new services across different boundaries in a Service Provider network. But what is exactly this technology? It’s a single logical switch/router built by interconnecting an ASR9K and one or more smaller satellite switches. This switches act as a remote line cards, they are provisioned in … Read more

Cisco IOS-XR Basics

IOS-XR code is really new for me, so i will write a few posts about it. So i will start with the basics. You can see this Operating System on CRS generations, ASR 9000 and NCS Box’s. Configure Username and Group The root-system means priviledge 15 in normal IOS RP/0/0/CPU0:XR-4(config)#username cocheno RP/0/0/CPU0:XR-4(config-un)# group root-system RP/0/0/CPU0:XR-4(config-un)# … Read more

Upgrade HP Blade Switch

6120XG-Blade-Switch# show flash —– ———- ——– ——- Primary Image : 7865855 10/23/13 Z.14.46 Secondary Image : 7785535 06/20/11 Z.14.28 Boot Rom Version: Z.14.09 Default Boot : Primary Copy Primary to Secondary Image. This is CPU intensive operation and takes a few seconds 6120XG-Blade-Switch# copy flash flash secondary —– ———- ——– ——- Primary Image : 7865855 … Read more

Permitir alterar data/hora no container openvz

Para executar o comando com sucesso a VPS deverá estar off. [root@vs20 ~]# vzlist CTID NPROC STATUS IP_ADDR HOSTNAME 101 47 running [root@vs20 ~]# vzctl set 102 –capability sys_time:on –save CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/102.conf

CCNP Switch 642-813

Após 3 meses intensivos de estudo, fui fazer o exame e concluí o módulo CCNP Switch 642-813, este tinha 40 questões das quais cerca de 5 eram simulações (VLAN, VTP, Routing Dinâmico, 802.1x, LACP). O Score mínimo para passar no exame é de 790 dos 1000 possíveis. Vou iniciar o módulo de Routing :) CCNP … Read more

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