A Flashback and a New Busy Year!

Dear Reader,

Thanks to spend your time reading this post on the first day of the new year.

The 2017 was a busy year regards projects and a new area i’ve been exploring myself (Business Development), this is quite new for me but it’s going….

What i mean by Business Development? I’ve been focus only on Engineering (hands-on) which is by far what i really like to do, so i get the implementation plan and GO! Why not dive in the conversation with the customer and understand their challenges, advise what technologies are in the market that really suit them. Presenting cutting-edge technologies and advise the customer is also something i really like.

What do i have for this upcoming year? I’ve done some re-cert’s, like Juniper, VMware and Cisco.
I have do do some re-certs this year too, but i want to focus more on the CCDE than ever, so i’m starting officially today and i hope do the Written in 6 months. I will attend the Cisco Live Barcelona 2018, so i hope get good contacts to push this even further. This is the plan mentally but i know this might has to change a bit.

CCNA Cyber Ops is just around the corner :)

Happy New Year.

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