CCIE and VR combined

It’s not April fools day, so what the title means? No chance to Cisco stay behind the software world! I would expect that Cisco will use VR soon as part of their Collaboration suite

If you are going to Cisco Live US you can see this two Demos:

  • BeTheRouter (BTR) – in this App, you are the heart and decision maker of what to do with the packets in terms of routing policy, QoS, etc.
  • TroubleshootTheLab (TTL) – in this App, user is presented a real-life-looking data center environment with tasks to rack-and-stack Cisco equipment in 3D such as Routers and Switches, followed by a cabling exercise to connect various devices according to the topology diagram, and troubleshoot a cabling issue fix.

Shall we expect a 8 hour Lab exam using VR?


Update 02.06.2017
Teaser included

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