JNCP Increases Active Status For Technical Certifications

This is good news :) from Juniper about Inactive Certifications

Hello Champions,


We have some good news. The Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) is increasing the Active status for all Juniper Networks technical certifications from 2 years to 3 years, and eliminating the 1 year Inactive status grace period. This includes t certifications. This is good news for partners as it means the recertification cycle will be 3 years rather than 2 years, and certification benefits such as Champions Program compliance are aligned with certification Active Status. This also means that partner certifications that are currently Inactive or due to turn Inactive will be converted to Active to align with the new 3 year certification life.


Here is How it Works:


  • Today a certification is Active for 2 years, Inactive for 1 year and on the 3rd year it expires if not renewed. The Inactive status has provided a 1-year grace period to recertify, however, in the Inactive status the candidate receives no certification benefits, including lack of Champion Program compliance. If a certification expires, the candidate is required to start again at the JNCIA level.
  • With this change, a certification will be in the Active status for 3 years with candidates receiving all benefits including Champion Program compliance for the entire time. The grace period has been removed, so before the end of the 3rd year, the candidate is required to recertify, or their certification will expire and they’ll be required to start again at the JNCIA level. To provide advance notice to candidates, CertManager (JNCP Certification database) does send automatic 90, 60, and 30-day notices when certifications are about to expire.


When Does This Occur?

  • In early October all certifications that are in the Inactive status now will be converted to the Active status and those that will turn Inactive in the next 12 months will have their expiration date extended by one year in CertManager.
  • In roughly a week’s time after the change occurs in CertManger, the new Active statuses will then be imported into the Learning Academy to update the certification records for partners, including those partaking in the Champion Program.


What does this mean for Champions and JPA Compliance?

  • Once the conversion into the Learning Academy is complete, partner administrators from Elite and Select partners should re-run their JPA compliance tool. There may be instances where Champions who have an Inactive certification today, may return to Active, and this may have a positive impact on JPA compliance.


For questions about this change, or for assistance with the JPA compliance tool, please email champion@juniper.net.

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