Notas estudo Converged Campus ERS Solution Installation and Configuration

Após realizar o curso 6721 – Converged Campus ERS Solution Installation and Configuration da Avaya aqui ficam as minhas notas e alguma da terminologia. Download Notas Converged Campus ERS Solution Installation and Configuration Irei em breve colocar as notas sobre o 6722 – ERS 8800-8600-8300 Advanced Configuration and Maintenance Terminologia: Distributed MultiLink Trunking (DMLT) – … Read more

Next Converged Campus e Advanced Configuration com Nortel-Avaya

Nas próximas 2 semanas serão um desafio com os 2 cursos de Nortel/Avaya 6721 – Converged Campus ERS Solution Installation and Configuration 6722 – ERS 8800-8600-8300 Advanced Configuration and Maintenance Novas ideologias, formas de configurar e ainda novos termos! Let’s Go!

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