Facto “There are no shortcuts to success, and don’t waste time looking them”

Depois de ler o livro “Cisco Frame Relay Solutions Guide“, não poderia deixar passar em branco esta nota do autor da qual também sou seguidor convicto.

There are no shortcuts to success, and don’t waste time looking them.

These words come from one of my personal heroes, retired General Colin Powell. His words of
advice ring true for soldiers as well as anyone striving to become a CCIE. There exists no
single source of CCIE knowledge, no all-in-one book, including this text, that will get you into
the ranks of the CCIEs. And as Powell’s words echo, “don’t waste time looking for them.” At
the time of this writing, September 2001, Cisco states that there are 6678 active CCIEs in the
world. When you compare this number to how Cisco predominates the market, the ranks of
the CCIEs still remain very slim.

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